
I get it all the time: "Why would you do this? Are you crazy? You are going to die! Your cholesterol!"

I mean, we are all going to die. That is as inevitable as having to pay the tax man every April. But, I woke up one day just before my 38th birthday and realized, if I continued on the path I was on, I was going to die a lot sooner than previously planned.

Was I morbidly obese? No. Did I workout? I ran a few times a week for most of the year. Was I eating the right stuff? Ha!

It was time to make a change in my life. I have a beautiful wife and 2 amazing children under the age of 10, I owe it to them to live a long healthy life. I want to meet my grandkids!

A Life Rule

It's easy, when I hear of something from 3 different, unconnected sources in my life, I figure the universe is trying to tell me something, so I take it up.

I'm not particularly spiritual or religious or superstitious, HOWEVER, when I start hearing the same thing from different places in my life, it's time to listen.

In the span of a month, I heard about going "carnivore" or "zero carb" in a few podcasts I listen to, as well as reading some articles about it online. I knew I had wanted to make a change in my life and figured, this was the universe's way of telling me what to do. My birthday is May 11th, I told myself, my wife and my kids, after my birthday cake was gone (hey, we all have our vices), I was going straight meat for 90 days. I had my last bite of birthday cake on May 15th and woke up on the 16th ready to party!

But Why This?

Ok, I get wanting to meet your grandkids and live a long healthy life, but nothing but meat? Really?

Yes, really. My initial goal was to teach myself that I had self control. And what better way to exercise self control than eating nothing but meat (well, almost nothing but meat, check out The What) for 3 months?

I am very fortunate that I have a great job. My waistline, blood sugar and the rest of my body is very unfortunate that my job is for a company that has a full industrial test kitchen about 20 feet from my office door. And a whole bunch of talented chefs who love making food.

I've never been svelte (as a matter of fact, I'm still not, but I'm no longer chunky, see The Results), but like many of us, the pandemic was not kind to my scale. (Actually, I never really used a scale before this, but if i did, I would have been big sad)

I knew from my research in the past and eating keto / paleo before that eliminating carbs from my life was a very good thing that always gave me great results. (I'll be talking about why those methods were never sustainable long term for me later)

After the universe telling me I needed to check out this whole carnivore / zero carb thing (I'm personally a fan of calling it nagev (it's vegan backwards), but I can't seem to make that catch on), I realized it made a lot more sense.

I figured it was stupid easy (just eat meat), really easy (eat when you are hungry, stop when you are full) and pretty damn easy (unlimited ribeyes and bacon, I mean..... if that doesn't sell you, stop reading now.....)

So I gave it a go!

Mixing Fat and Carbs

It's ohhhhhh so good, but not so great for you!

I wanted to talk about this and couldn't find a great place, so here we are!

Picture this, I give you a half stick of butter. Could you sit down and eat it? Would you enjoy it? Gagging just thinking about it?

Now think about this: I give you that same stick of butter and a nice hot loaf of french bread, right out of the oven. Could you eat all of that butter after putting it on some bread? OF COURSE YOU COULD.

If you think about all of the foods you find in nature, meat, berries, flowers, etc, do you know what you will almost NEVER find together? Sugar and fat. It just doesn't happen.

So when you give it to our bodies, it freaks out and wants MORE. That's why when you mix carbs (sugar) and fat (butter), you can eat heaps of the stuff. (I'm looking at your delicious pastries!)