
You don't have to do this alone! I certainly didn't!

Helpful Reading

ZeroCarb Sub Reddit - Great info in the sidebar!

Carnivore Sub Reddit - Great info and discussion!

Carnivore vs Omnivore vs Herbivore Chart

Answers to common objections

Writings by Owsley Stanley (he was the sound engineer for the Grateful Dead, he also ate only meat for 50 years! (to be fair, he also helped pioneer the LSD movement in the 60's, so...)):

The Bear's Words of Wisdom

The Bear on Diet and Exercise

Kitchen Stuff

Instant read thermometer - This thing is great! Pulls a temp very quickly. It's funny, before I worked with a bunch of food people, I NEVER temped my meat, I would always just poke my steaks to see when they were done. After being in dozens of kitchens w/ chefs constantly using thermometers, I figured it out pretty quick.....

Grill Brush - IF YOU GET NOTHING ELSE FROM THIS WEBSITE, please STOP using wire grill brushes. They are BAD news. The little wires break off and end up in your food. You do NOT want to eat that. (It's not meat!)

Granite State Spice Blends - The SPOG is without a doubt, the most used spice in my kitchen. I use it daily and buy it by the jarful, it's INCREDIBLE. (The other stuff is great too!)

The Email I sent....

So, when you manage to drop 50 lbs in 90 days, people have questions. And they want to do what you did. (Spoiler alert, they won't)
Good news for you! You just have to send them this website. I didn't have that chance when I started, so I put together an email I would send to people who expressed an interest, it's below.

The below recaps a lot of what we talked about, but I figured having it in an email would be easier to reference. Let me know if you have any questions!

Essays by Owsley "the bear" Stanley (he was the sound engineer for the grateful dead and ate just meat for 50 years (he died in a car crash) - to be fair, he also helped pioneer the LSD movement in the 60's, so....): - this is a whole archived forum thread, it's really the first post that's helpful - has some interesting info and references a few books

The Zero Carb subreddit has some useful info (I'd read through all 3 links):

Info about it:

Beginner Q & A:

General Q & A:

I've been only eating / drinking the following:

Meat (any and all)

Eggs (every once in a while)

Cheese (real cheese, not like kraft singles or anything)


Black Coffee

Iced Tea


Spices (salt, pepper, garlic, any mixed spice without sugar)

When I was hungry for breakfast, I was making these:

Meals the last few days

Friday Lunch: Shaved steak (fried in butter)

Friday Dinner: Salmon

Saturday Lunch: Cheeseburger, plain, no bun

Saturday Dinner: Strip Steak w/ bleu cheese compound butter

Sunday Lunch: Pork Chop

Sunday Dinner: Cheeseburger, plain, no bun

Monday Lunch: Pork Chop

Monday Dinner: Strip Steak

Today Lunch: Probably some chicken or a burger

The first week is mostly a challenge of will power. Eat snacks (pepperoni, cheese, whatever, if you are hungry, eat something). Once you can get over that hump, you'll start to feel better, and even if you are having cravings (i didn't, but you might), feeling better should be some great added motivation.

Also, I weigh myself every day. (Short of this week, I'm on vacation and no scale)

Week 1: Started at 252.9, ended at 242.3

Week 2: Ended at 236.6

After 90 days, I'm down just over 50 lbs. As of today, I'm down just about 60.

There seems to be about a day a week where I'll gain a half pound or so, then I may stay exactly the same for a few days, then I'll drop 3 all at once. I'm losing about 2 lbs a week now.

Watching the graph continue down and to the right has been a great motivator. (But not as good as feeling as good as I do!)

Cost per meal varies based on what I get, but in the beginning, I'd encourage you to treat yourself. If you really like ribeyes (or whatever), have a few during the week. It's tough to not be happy with what you are eating when you are eating that well.

Some people just eat 1 lb of ground beef at every meal. Seems boring to me, but hey, if it works, it works.

I had bloodwork done about 3 weeks after I started and it call came back great.

If you have any questions, let me know, happy to help!