The Results

Wow. No seriously, WOW. Like Frigging unbelievable. Peep this graph:

One Month. In one month i lost 26.5 lbs.

Yeah, I know about "water weight" and all the other BS excuses people have. In no way was that all fat, but you can make excuses about why you still weigh 252.9 lbs or you can take action. Your choice. I chose action and holy hell did it pay off.

In the first week, I lost just over 10lbs. Talk about motivation!

And keep in mind, this was the week I was eating so much that the thought of eating anymore made me feel sick.

Throughout this whole journey, i've been eating like a King, but man, that first week, I couldn't stop stuffing my face.

I have news for you, if I was feeling hungry, or blah, or angry all the time, I wouldn't be choosing to continue!


Well, probably not today wherever you are, but this is me 134 days in and 61.8 lbs down! (I have been working out in the past few weeks, trading some fat for some muscle!)

A HUGE thing I have learned in this journey is how to better listen to my body. Sometimes it wants a porkchop, so I feed it a porkchop, sometimes it wants some ice cream, so we have some (oh man, rebel ice cream and enlightened keto are frigging amazing!)

Wait, ice cream you say? I thought we were just eating meat!

Well, yes, we were. Until we got into the gym and needed some extra calories. I've found that keto friendly ice cream (uses full fat cream, egg yolks and sugar alcohols instead of sugar), hits the spot for me and it's "mostly" carnivore). It's funny a pint of rebel has more calories that Ben and Jerry's but instead of 150+ grams of sugar has 8. And it's delicious! (it certainly scratches the ice cream itch).

About day 60, my body was telling me it wanted to work out. And that was WEIRD. (I'm not a gym going guy typically). Unfortunately, I messed up my arm playing golf around day 60 and it took about 30 days for it to get to 100%. -- You read that right, I lost over 50lbs in 90 days and didn't go to the gym / do any cardio / do anything different.

Working out IS important. However, it's important for your strength and cardiovascular health, NOT losing weight. YOU DO NOT NEED TO WORK OUT TO LOSE WEIGHT. Stop and read that again. It's true!

Right around day 90, I met with one of my friends who's a personal trainer and put together a workout plan. I'm now in the gym 5 days a week! I feel AWESOME!

Other Benefits

I know, I know, you like everyone else who's ever met me wants to hear more amazing stuff about me. If you haven't figured it out yet, me is my favorite topic!

I know I've said it a few times, but I feel INCREDIBLE.

No more Sunday afternoon naps!

My skin has improved

I look more youthful

I have WAY more energy

The compliments from people who see me are unbelievable. Seriously, if you are vain, hope on in, this is the way of life for you! (Between the 60-90 day mark I ran into a bunch of people who hadn't seen me since I started. The number of times I had to convince people I wasn't dying, was WAY TOO MANY).